IEEE Conference: IECON 2017

Myoung Hoon Lee, Kyu Taek Oh, Katherine A. Kim, and Jun Moon, “Decentralized Optimal Control for Large Populations of Two-Wheeled Vehicles,” in Proc. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Beijing, Oct. 2017, pp. 1-6. (IEEE Xplore Link)

IEEE Conference: ACEPT 2017

Yu-Chen Liu, Katherine A. Kim, Kai-De Chen,  Yu-Chen Chang, Bing-Siang Huang, Chia-Wei Chou, Yao-Ching Hsieh, and Huang-Jen Chiu, “Output Double-Line Frequency Ripple Reduction Method for High Power Density Interleaved Boost Converters in Power Factor Correction Applications,” in Proc. Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification, Oct. 2017, pp. 1-6. (IEEE Xplore Link)

IEEE Conference: COMPEL 2017

Katherine A. Kim, Hoejeong Jeong, and Yu-Chen Liu, “Perspective on Developing Educational Lecture Videos for Power Electronics Courses,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electron., July 2017, pp. 1-6. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2017

Kyu Taek Oh and Katherine A. Kim, “Comparison & Analysis of The Permanent Magnet DC Motor Control Method,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2017, pp. 401-402.

오규택김예린, “영구자석 직류기 (PMDC motor)의 제어 방식 비교 분석,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2017.7, pp. 401-402. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2017

Hyeun-Tae Cho and Katherine A. Kim, “Sensorless Field-Oriented Control Design for High-Power 3-Level PMSM Drive Inverter,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2017, pp. 395-396.

조현태김예린, “고전력 동기전동기용 3레벨 인버터를 위한 센서리스 자속 기준 제어 설계,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2017.7, pp. 395-396. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2017

Kyoungjun Kwon and Katherine A. Kim, “Photovoltaic Panel Orientation Study for Tube-Enclosed Transportation Systems,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2017, pp. 50-51.

권경준, 김예린, “병렬 Differential Power Processing 컨버터의 비교 분석,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2017.7, pp. 50-51. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2017

Hyunji Lee and Katherine A. Kim, “Comparison of Two Parallel Differential Power Processing Configurations,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2017, pp. 48-49.

이현지김예린, “병렬 Differential Power Processing 컨버터의 비교 분석,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2017.7, pp. 48-49. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2017

Hoejeong Jeong and Katherine A. Kim, “GaN Boost Converter Development for High Power Density,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2017, pp. 225-226.

정회정, 김예린, “GaN HEMT를 적용한 고전력밀도의 부스트 컨버터 개발,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2017.7, pp. 225-226. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2016

Kyoungjun Kwon and Katherine A. Kim, “Efficiency Analysis for Differential Power Processing Converter Configurations in Photovoltaic Electric Vehicles,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2016, pp. 215-216.

권경준, 김예린, “태양광 발전차량의 차동전력 조절기 배열에 따른 효율분석,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2016.7, pp. 215-216. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2016

Hyunji Lee and Katherine A. Kim, “Differential Power Processing Converter Design for a Photovoltaic-Powered Bag,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2016, pp. 175-176.

이현지, 김예린, “Differential Power Processing 컨버터를 적용한 PV 충전 가방,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2016.7, pp. 175-176. (DBpia Link)