Lab Flight Emissions for 2024 and Tree Planting Offsets

The PEARS lab has begun to track CO2 emissions for conference-related travel of the lab members. Here are some statistics for 2024:

  • Took 6 trips to attend conferences
  • In total, 7 lab members attended conferences
  • Locations: 2 in North America, 1 in Europe, 3 in Asia
  • Estimated CO2 emissions: 29.9 tons

Attending conferences is very valuable to our lab members, but we recognized that each flight has nonnegligible climate-changing emissions. To mitigate emissions, we target conferences in Asia or with virtual options. Additionally, Prof. Katherine Kim personally purchases a tree-planting certificate to offset some of the emission from lab-related travel. To offset the emissions from 2024, a certificate for planting 500 trees was purchased through Ecosia (certificate shown below). The PEARS Lab is committed to reducing emission from our activities and operations while conducting high-quality research on power electronics for a sustainable future.

Ph.D. Defense for Selin Bagci

On January 17, 2025, Ph.D. Student Selin Bagci successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on “Flexible Solar Energy Harvesting and Fabric-Based Circuits: A Framework for Wearable Power Electronics.” The group picture from the doctoral defense is pictured below.

Throughout her graduate studies, Selin (soon to be Dr. Bagci) has become an expert on designing, developing, and evaluating power electronics for wearable applications with a particular focus on solar photovoltaic energy harvesting and circuit implementation on fabric substrates. She has authored/co-authored many academic papers on these topics, which can be found on the Publications page.

Prof. Kim Attends FEPPCON 2024

Prof. Katherine Kim attended the Future of Electronic Power Processing and Conversion (FEPPCON) 2024 conference held in Geneve, Switzerland. She was invited to participate in Session 7 on “Workforce Development: Empowering the Next Generation,” organized by Dr. Christina DiMarino and Dr. Chris Mi (see image below). During the session, Prof. Kim gave a presentation entitled “Embracing Diversity: Exploring Educational Approaches for Inclusive Learning Environments” and also moderated the panel session that followed.

Introduction of Session 7 at FEPPCON 2024 in Geneve, Switzerland

During the forum, the participants also took a tour of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to learn how power electronics is a vital part of making and running the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Prof. Kim loved the tour of the various facilities at CERN (see image below).

Prof. Kim visiting CERN

PEARS Lab Attends COMPEL 2024

Prof. Katherine Kim and undergraduate student To-Lei (Doris) Huang attended the IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL) held on June 24-27, 2024, at Lahore University of Management Sciences, in Lahore, Pakistan. Doris presented the paper entitled “Indoor Panel-Based Photovoltaic Emulation Method Implementation and Evaluation” during Poster Session 2 on June 27, 2024, pictured below.

Prof. Kim also helped host the Women in Engineering event with Dr. Marium Rasheed (Ford Motor Company) on June 25, 2024. The panel event was entitled “Empower All: Fostering Inclusivity, Career Growth, and Diverse Representation in Engineering” and featured advice from six esteemed panelist, pictured below.

WIE Event at COMPEL 2024 on June 25, 2024, Lahore, Pakistan

For COMPEL 2024, Prof. Kim served on the Technical Program Committee and Women in Engineering Committee. COMPEL is a flagship conference for the IEEE PELS Technical Committee 1, focusing on control and modeling of power electronics. Any IEEE PELS member interested in control and modeling can join Technical Committee 1 online free of charge.

PEARS Lab Attends IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia

Prof. Katherine Kim, Bo-Shiang Lee, and Shih-Fan Liu attended the International Power Electronics Motion Control Conference (IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia) in Chengdu, China, held on May 17-20, 2024. Master’s student Shih-Fan Liu presented his poster on “Wiring Harness Cable Input Impedance Verification For Electromagnetic Compatibility Pre-Compliance Testing” and Master’s student Bo-Shiang Lee presented his poster on “Modeling and EMC Analysis of Capacitive Coupling to Low-Voltage Cables in an Electric Vehicle” during Poster Presentation A on May 18, 2024.

PEARS Lab student present their posters at IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia

Prof. Kim attended the IEEE PELS Women in Engineering Roundtable Mentorship Event on May 19, 2024 (pictured below), and also served as a mentor. The event facilitated discussions on a variety of trending topics, including career development, the future of power electronics, and promoting diversity and inclusion within the field. It was organized and hosted by Hong Li (Beijing Jiaotong University), Han Cui (Tianjin University), and Ping Yang (Southwest Jiaotong University).

IEEE PELS Women in Engineering Roundtable Mentorship Event at IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia

Prof. Katherine Kim Elected as PELS Vice President

In January 2024, Prof. Katherine A. Kim was elected as the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Vice President for Global Relations for the 2024-2025 term. In this role she will serve both global relations and educational activities for PELS. Her goals for her term are to expand educational activities globally, such as PELS PhD Schools, Educational Videos (PELSTube), and Educational Outreach, with underlying values of transparency, accessibility, and inclusion. She is the first woman in PELS history to serve as a vice president.

Prof. Katherine Kim Receives Research and Teaching Awards from NTU EECS

On December 29, 2023, Prof. Katherine A. Kim received two prestigious awards from the National Taiwan University (NTU) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Department:

  • NTU EECS 112th Annual Academic Contribution Award
  • NTU EECS Outstanding EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Teaching Award
Prof. Katherine Kim receiving the 112th Annual Academic Contribution Award.
Prof. Katherine Kim receiving the Outstanding EMI Teaching Award.

Prof. Kim was honored to recieve the awards and gives thanks to all the mentors, collaborators, and colleagues who have supported her work during her career. She will continue to work hard on transformative research and create an exceptional education environment for her students.

PEARS Lab Attends WiPDA-Asia 2023 in Hsinchu, Taiwan

Prof. Katherine A. Kim, Selin Bagci, and Lien-Chieh Chen attended the Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA-Asia 2023) in Hsinchu, Taiwan, on August 27-29, 2023. Master’s student Lien-Chieh Chen presented his work on “Comparison of Bidirectional Flyback and Split-Inductor Boost converter Topologies for Photovltaic Differential Power Processing Systems” (photo below). His paper recieved the “Best Student Presentation Award”!

Lien-Chieh Chen presenting his work at WiPDA-Asia 2023 in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Prof. Katherine Kim Gives a Talk for the Center for Bilingual Education (CBE) at National Taiwan University (NTU)

Prof. Katherine Kim gave a talk on May 16, 2023, at the English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Happy Hour in her talk entitled “Ideas and Tools for Evoking Student Engagement in EMI Courses.” It was an excellent opportunity to share her experience with using flipped learning in electrical engineering classes and hear ideas from the attendees. A full article about the event was published by NTU’s Center for Bilingual Education here:

Picture courtesy of the Center for Bilingual Education, NTU

Prof. Katherine Kim Gives Plenary at APEC 2023

Prof. Katherine Kim was honored to give a Plenary Talk on “Developing the Power Electronics Workforce Through MOOC Degree Programs and Public Educational Videos” with Dr. Robert W. Erickson at APEC 2023 in Orlando, Florida, USA on March 20, 2023. The recorded version of the talk is below.

Webinar for IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala, India

The IEEE IA/IE/PELS Joint Chapter in Kerala, India, invited Prof. Katherine Kim to give a webinar on “Differential Power Processing DC-DC Converters for Solar Photovoltaic Applications” on May 18, 2020. The Chapter in Kerala is very active and the webinar was well attended by the members, with over 100 attendees. Thanks to the chapter organizers for their great efforts.

Power Electronics Photo Contest Voting

Every year, Prof. Katherine A. Kim teaches a power electronics course. As part of the course, there is a photo contest. The photos for the Fall 2019 Introduction to Power Electronics has been posted and are open for voting.

The class’s photos and descriptions are posted here:

Based on the photos and descriptions, vote on your favorites here:
Voting Form – Introduction to Power Electronics Photo Contest

Voting will be open until December 18 at midnight. Participation is open to everyone, but one vote per person.

Fall 2019 Introduction to Power Electronics photo submissions

Invited Seminar at University of Macau, Macau, China

Prof. Katherine A. Kim gave a seminar on “Differential Power Processing DC-DC Converters for Solar Photovoltaic Applications” at University of Macau in Macau, China. Prof. Kim was invited by Prof. Chi-Seng Lam of the State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI & Institute of Microelectronics at the University of Macau. The seminar was supported by the IEEE Macau IES Chapter.

Attendees at Prof. Kim’s seminar
In front of the State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI & Institute of Microelectronics

Attended IFEEC 2019 in Singapore

Prof. Katherine A. Kim attended the  IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference in Singapore, on November 25-28, 2019. Prof. Kim served on the organizing committee as the Tutorial Co-Chair.

On November 25, she chaired the tutorials entitled “Multi‐Cell & Multi-Level Power Converters ‐ A Way to Go Beyond the  Limits” by Prof. Petar J. Grbović from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and the tutorial entitled “Recent Advances in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Applications in Automotive and Renewable Energy Systems” by Dr. Rukmi Dutta and Prof. Faz Rahman, from the University of New South Wales, Australia. On November 27, Prof. Kim also served as a chair for Technical Session 22 (C2‐RET3): Renewable Energy Technologies 3.

Group at IFEEC 2019 in Singapore

Attended S2PC 2019 in Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Katherine A. Kim, Prof. Yu-Chen Liu, and student Ting-Yu Lin attended the Symposium on Semiconductor Power Conversion in Tama, Tokyo, Japan October 25 – 27, 2019.

On Saturday, October 26, undergraduate student Ting-Yu Lin (National Ilan University, Taiwan) presented collaboration work on “Measurement and Analysis Procedure for Power Profiles in Wearable Photovoltaic Applications” during the poster session.

Ting-Yu Lin presenting her poster at S2PC 2019

Attended ECCE 2019 in Baltimore, MD, USA

Prof. Katherine A. Kim attended the  IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition in Baltimore, MD, USA, on September 29 – October 28, 2019. Prof. Kim served on the organizing committee as one of the Women in Engineering (WIE) Chairs.

On September 29, Prof. Kim gave a tutorial on “Differential Power Processing For Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Development and Applications”.

Tutorial at ECCE 2019

On September 30, Prof. Jin Ye (University of Georgia, USA), Prof. Norma Anglani (University of Pavia, Italy), and Prof. Kim organized the ECCE 2019 Women in Engineering Event. The event held a panel on the role of women in Energy Conversion Systems, with panelists from academia and industry in the US and worldwide.

WIE Event panel discussion at ECCE 2019

On October 2, Prof. Kim hosted the PELS-IAS WIE Breakfast where Dr. Tanya Gachovska gave a talk entitled “The Role of Mentorship in My Career Path from Bulgaria to Canada”. She shared experiences and inspiring stories from her education, personal life, and career.

WIE Breakfast attendees at ECCE 2019

On October 3, Prof. Kim received the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award for 2019 from the IEEE Power Electronics Society. She was honored to recognized “for contributions to differential power processing converter techniques for photovoltaic applications”.

Katherine A. Kim receiving the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award

Prof. Katherine A. Kim Receives the IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award

It has been announced that Prof. Katherine A. Kim is the recipient of the IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award for 2019. She is cited ” for contributions to differential power processing converter techniques for photovoltaic applications .” She is honored to have received the award and would like to thank her students for their hard work, mentors for their advice, and family for their unwavering support. She will receive the award at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo 2019 in early October.