Attended IFEC 2015 in Dearborn, MI, USA

The UNIST 2015 IEEE International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC) Team traveled to Dearborn, MI, USA, to test their wireless power transfer prototype for the Topic A (High-efficiency Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles and Other Applications) competition. Team members were Sangyeong Jeong, Mina Kim, Hyeun-Tae Cho, and Zhanibek Bizak. Faculty advisors were Prof. Katherine A. Kim, Prof. Jeehoon Jung, and Prof. Jingook Kim.

The four-student first-time UNIST Team competed in the IFEC competition and the gained valuable experience designing, building, and testing power electronics hardware. Through the competition, students learned to work as a team and gained experience in making challenging, real-world power electronics hardware that they will use as finish their education and go on to graduate school.

The UNIST Team can be seen testing their Wireless Power Transfer prototype at the competition below. Additional pictures of the IFEC UNIST and other teams at the competition can be found here:

IFEC 2015 UNIST Team

Attended COMPEL 2015 in Vancouver, Canada

Graduate student Hyunji Lee attended the 2015 Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL) in Vancouver, Canada. She presented a poster for the paper entitled “Comparison of Photovoltaic Converter Configurations for Wearable Applications” in the Energy Harvesting and Power Management Poster Session on Tuesday, July 14, 2015. Hyunji Lee was also honored to receive the 2015 COMPEL Student Travel Grant Award to help make her trip to the conference possible.

Attended KIPE 2015 Annual Conference

PEARS Lab members and Advanced Power Interface & Power Electronics Lab (APIPEL) members attended the Korean Institution of Power Electronics (KIPE) 2015 Annual Conference (전력전자학술대회). The PEARS Lab presented three papers during the conference:

Xuan Hung Mai presented a poster for the paper entitled “Photovoltaic Hot Spot Detection Method Integrated into a Boost Converter” on Tuesday, July 7, 2015.

Xuan Hung Mai

Hyunji Lee presented the paper entitled “Efficiency Analysis fo Photovoltiac Configurations in Wearable Charging Applications” on Thursday, July 9, 2015.

The paper entitled “A Dynamic Model of Single Crystalline Photovoltaic Cells Incorporating Thermo-Electric Characteristics” was also presented on Thursday, July 9, 2015.

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2015

Hyunji Lee and Katherine A. Kim, “Efficiency Analysis fo Photovoltiac Configurations in Wearable Charging Applications,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2015, pp. 353-354.

이현지, 김예린, “웨어러블 충전 어플리케이션의 태양전지 배열에 따른 효율 분석,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2015.7, pp. 353-354. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2015

Mina Kim, Katherine A. Kim, and Jeehoon Jung, “Optimal Design Methodology of a 500 W Wireless Power Transfer Converter,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2015, pp. 19-20.

김민아, 김예린, 정지훈, “500 W급 무선 전력 전송용 컨버터의 최적설 계 방법에 관한 연구,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2015, pp. 19-20. (DBpia Link)

Domestic Conference: KIPE Annual Conference 2015

Xuan Hung Mai and Katherine A. Kim, “Photovoltaic Hot Spot Detection Method Integrated into a Boost Converter,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2015, pp. 103-104.

매준훙, 김예린, “PV Hot Spot 탐지를 위한 부스트 컨버터 설계,” 전력전자학회 전력전자학술대회 논문집, 2015.7, pp. 103-104. (DBpia Link)

Attended IEEE WoW 2015 in Daejeon, Korea

UNIST ECE professors (Prof. Jingook Kim, Prof. Jeehoon Jung, and Prof. Katherine Kim) and students (Sangyeong Jeong, Mina Kim, and Hyeun-Tae Cho) made a strong showing at the IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wirelss Power (WoW) on June 5-6 at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. Three papers were presented during the conference by the students:

Sangyeong Jeong presented the paper entitled “Analytical Investigation of Optimal Wireless Power Transfer Topology for Electric Vehicles” on Friday June 5.

Mina Kim presented the paper entitled “Design Methodology of a 500 W Wireless Power Transfer Converter,” on Saturday June 6.

Hyeun-Tae Cho presented the paper entitled “Comparison of Input Power Factor Correction Techniques for Buck Converters in Single-Phase Wireless Power Transfer Systems” on Saturday June 6.

Congratulations to Hyeun-Tae Cho for sucessfully completing his first conference presentation!

IEEE Conference: WoW 2015

Hyeun-Tae Cho, Jingook Kim, Jeehoon Jung and Katherine A. Kim, “Comparison of Input Power Factor Correction Techniques for Buck Converters in Single-Phase Wireless Power Transfer Systems,” in Proc. Workshop on Emerging Technologies Wireless Power, June 2015. (IEEE Xplore Link)

IEEE Conference: WoW 2015

Mina Kim, Katherine A. Kim, Jingook Kim, and Jee-Hoon Jung, “Design Methodology of a 500 W Wireless Power Transfer Converter,” in Proc. Workshop on Emerging Technologies Wireless Power, June 2015. (IEEE Xplore Link)

IEEE Conference: WoW 2015

Sangyeong Jeong, Jeehoon Jung, Katherine A. Kim, and Jingook Kim, “Analytical Investigation of Optimal Wireless Power Transfer Topology for Electric Vehicles,” in Proc. Workshop on Emerging Technologies Wireless Power, June 2015. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Students to Compete in 2015 International Future Energy Challenge

A team of four undergraduate student (including PEARS Lab students Hyeun-Tae Cho and Zhanibek Bizak) has been selected to compete in the final competition of the 2015 IEEE International Future Energy Challenge. They are competing in Topic A where they are building a High-Efficiency Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles and Other Applications. The team is currently building and testing the wireless charging system in preparation for the final competition at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, MI, USA, in July 2015.

Team members (as shown in the picture) are Zhanibek Bizak, Sangyeong Jeong, Mina Kim, and Hyeun-Tae Cho. Faculty advisors are Prof. Katherine A. Kim, Prof. Jeehoon Jung, and Prof. Jingook Kim.

Outstanding Teaching Award

Prof. Katherine Kim was honored to receive an “Outstanding Teaching Award” from the President of UNIST on March 18, 2015. She taught EE313: Introduction to Control in Fall 2014 and utilized a “flipped-learning” approach with video lectures, which are publicly available on YouTube:

Prof. Kim would like to thank her EE313 students for being very responsive and adaptive to her non-traditional method of teaching, and for giving her excellent feedback on how to further improve the course. She plans to teach the course again in Fall 2015.

IEEE Conference: APEC 2015

Gab-Su Seo, Katherine A. Kim, Kyu-Chan Lee, Kyung-Jun Lee, and Bo-Hyung Cho, “A New DC Arc Fault Detection Method Using DC System Component Modeling and Analysis in Low Frequency Range,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electron. Conf.,  Mar. 2015, pp. 2438-2444. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Xuan Hung Mai – M.S.

Xuan Hung Mai completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineer (ECE) from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam in 2014. His senior thesis was on a maximum power point tracking algorithm for partial shading conditions in photovoltaic (PV) panels. He received the Masters of Science degree in ECE from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in February 2017. He is currently a Hardware Developer at SolarBK, Vietnam. His research interests are photovoltaic system performance and fault detection, specifically, hot spot detection method in commercialized PV panels.


Xuan Hung Mai, Sang-Kyu Kwak, Jee-Hoon Jung, and Katherine A. Kim, “Comprehensive Electric-Thermal Photovoltaic Modeling for Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation (PHILS) Applications,” IEEE Trans. Industrial Electron., vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 6255-6264, Aug. 2017.

Xuan Hung Mai, Jee-Hoon Jung, and Katherine A. Kim, “Electric-Thermal Photovoltaic Model Characteristics Validation,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Nov. 2016, pp. 208-213.

Spring 2015 Update

The spring 2015 semester has started at UNIST!


This semester, Prof. Katherine A. Kim is teaching a newly-established graduate course on power systems (based on the previous Special Topics course).

ECE560: Power Systems [전력시스템]
Level: Masters Course
Description: Power Systems is a graduate level course where you will learn the basics of the electric power grid and present-day research challenges in power systems. The primary goal of the course is for students to gain a clear understanding of how the power grid and power systems functions and to be able to communicate that understanding to their peers.

Also, two new M.S. students have joined the PEARS Lab:

Check out their profiles under the People tab.