Attended S2PC 2018 in Jinju, Korea

Prof. Katherine Kim and graduate student Hoejeong Jeong  attended the Symposium on Semiconductor Power Conversion (S2PC) in Jinju, Korea on November 2-4, 2018.

On November 3, 2013, Hoejeong Jeong presented a poster on “Structure of Segmented Differential Power Processing System for Photovoltaic Applications” during Poster Session I.


Prof. Katherine A. Kim elevated to IEEE Senior Member

Prof. Katherine A. Kim was elevated to IEEE Senior Member, within the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in July 2018. For IEEE Senior Member grade, the applicant can self-nominate or be nominated by someone else. If you have over 10 years of professional experience (graduate school counts as professional experience) and have significant performance over 5 years (usually as a professor or engineering professional), you can apply.

Prof. Kim is most active in the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS). She served as the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Student Membership Chair in 2012-2013, PELS Member-At-Large for 2016-2018, and PELS Women In Engineering Co-Chair in 2018. Starting from 2017, she became an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. Prof. Kim plans to continue contributing to the Power Electronics field through her researcheducational videos, and service to the power electronics community. She would like to thank all her advisers and mentors through the years for their guidance and support.

Attended KIPE 2018 Annual Conference

The PEARS Lab attended the Korean Institution of Power Electronics (KIPE) 2018 Annual Conference (전력전자학술대회), July 3-6, 2018, in Hoengseong, Gangwon-do, Korea. The group enjoyed listening to technical sessions and trying the local cuisine of Hoengseong Korean beef.


On Tuesday, July 3, Prof. Katherine Kim also helped Prof. Seong-Mi Park of Korea Lift College and Prof. Kyung-Hee Han of Halla University organize the first KIPE Women Power Electronics Engineers Meeting. The event featured talks by Prof. Soyeon Kim of the Republic of Korea Naval Academy, Seo-Hyun Yeo a PhD student at Chonnam National University, and Dr. Hwi-Il Sun of the Korean Energy Research Institute (KERI). It was an important mentorship and networking opportunity for women in power electronics in Korea.


IEEE Conference: COMPEL 2018

Hoejeong Jeong, Hyeun-Tae Cho, Taewon Kim, Yu-Chen Liu and Katherine A. Kim, “A Scalable Unit Differential Power Processing System Design for Photovoltaic Applications,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electron., June 2018, pp. 1-8. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Attended COMPEL 2018 in Padova, Italy


Prof. Katherine Kim and graduate student Hoejeong Jeong attended COMPEL 2018 on June 25-28 in Padova, Italy. On Tuesday, June 26, Hoejeong Jeong presented the paper on “A Scalable Unit Differential Power Processing System Design for Photovoltaic Applications” at the Galileo Galilei Main Hall in Palazzo Bo. A job well done presenting important research on new PV differential power processing applications. Hoejeong Jeong also received a Student Travel Grant to attend COMPEL.


Attended IPEC 2018-ECCE Asia in Niigata, Japan

Prof. Katherine Kim and undergraduate intern Bo-Kyung Yoon attended the International Power Electronics Conference (ICPE 2018-ECCE Asia), May 20-24, 2018, in Niigata, Japan. Bo-Kyung Yoon presented a poster on “Circuit Modeling Approach for Analyzing Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Energy Harvesting” on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.


Also, Bing-Siang Huang from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, presented a collaboration paper on “Design and Implementation of a High Power Density Active-Clamped Flyback Converter” at the High Performance Power Converters session on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.

Prof. Kim also served as a session chair for session “23G4 Renewable Energy and Storage Applications” and “21B2 Dual Active Bridge Converters” at ICPE 2018-ECCE Asia. All attendees enjoyed the excellent conference and delicious Japanese food.

IEEE Conference: IPEC 2018-ECCE Asia

Yu-Chen Liu, Bing-Siang Huang, Cheng-Hung Lin, Katherine A. Kim and Huang-Jen Chiu, “Design and Implementation of a High Power Density Active-Clamped Flyback Converter,” in Proc. International Power Electron. Conf., Niigata, Japan, May 2018, pp. 2092-2096. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Attended NGPT 2018 in Seoul, Korea


Prof. Katherine Kim, Bo-Kyung Yoon, and PEARS Lab members attended the International Conference on Nanogenerators and Piezotronics (NGPT), May 8-11, 2018, in Seoul, Korea.



Prof. Kim Co-Chaired a Technical Session on “Piezotronics/Tribotronics for Sensors, MEMS and NEMS 1” on Thursday, May 10 and gave talk entitled “Implementation Considerations for Low-power Energy Conversion Circuitry in Triboelectric Nanogenerator Energy Harvesting Applications” on Friday, May 11.



Undergraduate intern Bo-Kyung Yoon presented a poster on “Circuit Modeling of a Three-plate Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Ground System for Energy Harvesting” on  Friday, May 11. Attending NGPT 2018 was a great opportunity to learn more about transducers and better understand how to develop better power circuitry for energy harvesting.


Attended APEC 2018 in San Antonio, TX, USA

Prof. Katherine Kim attended the Applied Power Electronics Conference 2018 in San Antonio, TX, USA in March 2018.

Prof. Kim was a chair for the morning technical session “T30: Renewable Energy Topics” on March 8, 2018. The poster for the collaboration paper on “Integrated Magnetics Design for a Full-Bridge Phase-Shifted Converter” was presented by Chen Chen, Yu-Chen Liu, and Prof. Kim on March 8, 2018 (picture shown below).



IEEE Conference: APEC 2018

Yu-Chen Liu, Chen Chen, Shu-Yi Lin, Cheng-You Xiao, Katherine A. Kim, Yao-Ching Hsieh and Huang-Jen Chiu, “Integrated Magnetics Design for a Full-Bridge Phase-Shifted Converter,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electron. Conf.,  Mar. 2018, pp. 2110-2116. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Journal Publication: Energies (Open Access)

Yu-Chen Liu, Ming-Cheng Chen, Chun-Yu Yang, Katherine A. Kim and Huang-Jen Chiu, “High-Efficiency Isolated Photovoltaic Microinverter Using Wide-Band Gap Switches for Standalone and Grid-Tied Applications,” Energies, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1-15,  Mar. 2018, art. no. 569. (Energies Link)

Attended IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2017 in Seoul, Korea

Prof. Katherine A. Kim and undergraduate student intern Bo-Kyung Yoon attended the IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2017 at Hongik University, Seoul, Korea. Bo-Kyung presented her paper on “Circuit Modeling of a Three-Plate Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Energy Harvesting” at the competition (picture below). As one of the few undergraduate students in the competition, she presented and took questions on her research at the same level as the graduate students in the competition. A job well done.
