Attended S2PC 2019 in Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Katherine A. Kim, Prof. Yu-Chen Liu, and student Ting-Yu Lin attended the Symposium on Semiconductor Power Conversion in Tama, Tokyo, Japan October 25 – 27, 2019.

On Saturday, October 26, undergraduate student Ting-Yu Lin (National Ilan University, Taiwan) presented collaboration work on “Measurement and Analysis Procedure for Power Profiles in Wearable Photovoltaic Applications” during the poster session.

Ting-Yu Lin presenting her poster at S2PC 2019

Journal Publication: Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics

Seungbin Park (박승빈), Mina Kim (김민아), Hoejeong Jeong (정회정), Taewon Kim (김태원), Katherine A. Kim (김예린), and Jee-Hoon Jung (정지훈), ” Bidirectional Flyback Converter Design Methodology for Differential Power Processing Modules in PV Applications (PV 시스템의 차동 전력 조절기 모듈용 양방향 플라이백 컨버터 설계 방법),” Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics (전력전자학회 논문지) , Vol. 24, No.5, October 2019. (Auric Link)

Attended ECCE 2019 in Baltimore, MD, USA

Prof. Katherine A. Kim attended the  IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition in Baltimore, MD, USA, on September 29 – October 28, 2019. Prof. Kim served on the organizing committee as one of the Women in Engineering (WIE) Chairs.

On September 29, Prof. Kim gave a tutorial on “Differential Power Processing For Solar Photovoltaic Systems: Development and Applications”.

Tutorial at ECCE 2019

On September 30, Prof. Jin Ye (University of Georgia, USA), Prof. Norma Anglani (University of Pavia, Italy), and Prof. Kim organized the ECCE 2019 Women in Engineering Event. The event held a panel on the role of women in Energy Conversion Systems, with panelists from academia and industry in the US and worldwide.

WIE Event panel discussion at ECCE 2019

On October 2, Prof. Kim hosted the PELS-IAS WIE Breakfast where Dr. Tanya Gachovska gave a talk entitled “The Role of Mentorship in My Career Path from Bulgaria to Canada”. She shared experiences and inspiring stories from her education, personal life, and career.

WIE Breakfast attendees at ECCE 2019

On October 3, Prof. Kim received the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award for 2019 from the IEEE Power Electronics Society. She was honored to recognized “for contributions to differential power processing converter techniques for photovoltaic applications”.

Katherine A. Kim receiving the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award

Prof. Katherine A. Kim Receives the IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award

It has been announced that Prof. Katherine A. Kim is the recipient of the IEEE PELS Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award for 2019. She is cited ” for contributions to differential power processing converter techniques for photovoltaic applications .” She is honored to have received the award and would like to thank her students for their hard work, mentors for their advice, and family for their unwavering support. She will receive the award at the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo 2019 in early October.

Korea Patent: 10-2019-0078018

Tae Won Kim (김태원), Tae Joon Park (박태준), Katherine A. Kim (김예린), and Hyunji Lee (이현지). “Apparatus for control photovoltaic power generation (태양광 발전 제어 장치),” Korea Patent 10-2019-0078018 , July 4, 2019. (link to PDF)

Taiwan Patent: 108120919

Yu-Chen Liu, Chen Chen, De-Jia Lu, Yong-Long Syu, Kai-De Chen, Ching-Chia Chen, Katherine A. Kim, and Huang-Jen Chiu. “Transformer and Series Resonant Converter Including the Same (變壓器及包括其之串聯諧振式轉換器 ),” Taiwan Patent 108120919, June 17, 2019.

IEEE Conference: ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia

Bo-Kyung Yoon, Jee-Hoon Jung, Jeong Min Baik, and Katherine A. Kim, “Realistic Circuit Modeling Using Derating Factors for Triboelectric Nanogenerators in Energy Harvesting Applications,” in Proc. International Conference on Power Electronics – ECCE Asia, May 2019. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Attended ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia in Busan, Korea

Prof. Katherine A. Kim and M.S. student Bo-Kyung Yoon attended the International Conference on Power Electronics (ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia) in Busan, Korea, on May 27-30. 2019. On Monday, May 27, Prof. Kim gave a tutorial with Prof. Jeehoon Jung (UNIST, Korea), Prof. Yu-Chen Liu (National Ilan University, Taiwan), and Ching-Jan Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) on “High-Frequency Power Converter Design: Magnetics, Gate Driver, Control, and EMI”.

Tutorial at ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia

On Tuesday, May 28, Prof. Kim served as a Session Chair for the “TuB3: PV System for Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Systems I” technical session. On Wednesday, May 29, M.S. student Seungbin Park (UNIST, Korea) presented a collaboration paper entitled ” Design Methodology of Bidirectional Flyback Converter for Differential Power Processing Modules in PV Applications”.

Seungbin Park (UNIST, Korea) presenting ” Design Methodology of Bidirectional Flyback Converter for Differential Power Processing Modules in PV Applications”

On Thursday, May 30, M.S. student Bo-Kyung Yoon presented an energy harvesting paper entitled “Realistic Circuit Modeling Using Derating Factors for Triboelectric Nanogenerators in Energy Harvesting Applications”. Prof. Kim also organized and ran the Young Researcher’s Activity – Mentorship Dinner on Tuesday, May 28 and the Women in Engineering Luncheon on Wednesday, May 29. Both events served as important networking and mentorship opportunities for young researchers and women in power electronics. The speaker for the Women in Engineering Luncheon was Prof. Meiqin Mao, Hefei University of Technology, who shared her experience as an educator and researcher in power electronics and renewable energy. Prof. Kim also served as a Vice Chair for the Technical Program Committee of ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia.

Women in Engineering Luncheon featuring Prof. Meiqin Mao (Hefei University of Technology, China)

IEEE Conference: ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia

Seungbin Park , Mina Kim , Hoejeong Jeong , Katherine A. Kim , Taewon Kim , A-Rong Kim , and Jee-Hoon Jung, “Design Methodology of Bidirectional Flyback Converter for Differential Power Processing Modules in PV Applications,” in Proc. International Conference on Power Electronics – ECCE Asia, May 2019. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Attended WiPDA-Asia 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan

Prof. Katherine A. Kim attended the IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA-Asia) in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 23-25. 2019. On Saturday, May 25, Ph. D. student Yong-Long Syu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan) presented a collaboration paper on “High Switching Frequency TCM Control for Bidirectional Interleaved Buck Converter Without Phase Error for Battery Charging” during the poster session.

Yong-Long Syu and Prof. Katherine A. Kim presenting their poster on “High Switching Frequency TCM Control for Bidirectional Interleaved Buck Converter Without Phase Error for Battery Charging”

Prof. Kim also served as a session chair for the “Oral 1 Application” technical session on Friday, May 24. She was also the Publications Chair for WiPDA-Asia 2019.

IEEE Conference: WiPDA-Asia 2019

Yu-Chen Liu, Yong-Long Syu, Kai-De Chen, Chen Chen, Katherine A. Kim, Huang-Jen Chiu, “High Switching Frequency TCM Control for Bidirectional Interleaved Buck Converter Without Phase Error for Battery Charging,” Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia, May 2019.

Presented Paper at APEC 2019

At the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2019, in Anaheim, CA, USA, Selin Bagci presented her paper on “Low-Power Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting With Parallel Differential Power Processing Using a SEPIC” during the T40 Power Electronics Applications Session on March 21, 2019. Selin is a previous PEARS undergraduate intern and current MS student at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Congratulations to Selin on her first major conference presentation.

IEEE Conference: APEC 2019

F. Selin Bagci, Yu-Chen Liu, and Katherine A. Kim, “Low-Power Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting With Parallel Differential Power Processing Using a SEPIC,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electron. Conf.,  Mar. 2019, pp. 2008-2014. (IEEE Xplore Link)

Hoejeong Jeong (정회정) – M.S.

Hoejeong Jeong received the B.S degree in ECE from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in 2017. She majored in Electrical Engineering and System Design. She graduated with the M.S. degree in ECE from UNIST in February 2019. Her research interests are energy harvesting for wearable devices, GaN transistors, and DPP systems.

ORCID: 0000-0001-7468-7990


Hoejeong Jeong, Seungbin Park, Jeehoon Jung, Taewon Kim, A-Rong Kim, and Katherine A. Kim, “Segmented Differential Power Processing Converter Unit and Control Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 7797-7809, July 2021.

Seungbin Park (박승빈), Mina Kim (김민아), Hoejeong Jeong (정회정), Taewon Kim (김태원), Katherine A. Kim (김예린), and Jee-Hoon Jung (정지훈), ” Bidirectional Flyback Converter Design Methodology for Differential Power Processing Modules in PV Applications (PV 시스템의 차동 전력 조절기 모듈용 양방향 플라이백 컨버터 설계 방법),” Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics (전력전자학회 논문지) , Vol. 24, No.5, October 2019.

Hoejeong Jeong, Hyunji Lee, Yu-Chen Liu and Katherine A. Kim, “Review of Differential Power Processing Converter Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 351-360, Mar. 2019.

Hoejeong Jeong, Hyeun-Tae Cho, Taewon Kim, Yu-Chen Liu and Katherine A. Kim, “A Scalable Unit Differential Power Processing System Design for Photovoltaic Applications,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electron., June 2018, pp. 1-8.

Katherine A. Kim, Hoejeong Jeong, and Yu-Chen Liu, “Perspective on Developing Educational Lecture Videos for Power Electronics Courses,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electron., July 2017, pp. 1-6.

Hoejeong Jeong and Katherine A. Kim, “GaN Boost Converter Development for High Power Density,” in Proc. KIPE Power Electronics Annual Conf., July 2017, pp. 225-226.

Journal Publication: Nano Energy

Jin Pyo Lee, Jae Won Lee, Bo-Kyung Yoon, Hee Jae Hwang, Sungwoo Jung, Katherine A. Kim, Dukhyun Choi, ChangdukYang, Jeong Min Baik, “Boosting the energy conversion efficiency of a combined triboelectric nanogenerator-capacitor,” Nano Energy, vol. 56, pp. 571-580, Feb. 2019. (Elsevier Link)

Invited Seminar at National Ilan University, Yilan, Taiwan

Prof. Katherine A. Kim gave a seminar entitled “Enabling Solar Photovoltaic Energy for Wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) Applications” at National Ilan University, Yilan, Taiwan. Prof. Kim was invited by Prof. Yu-Chen Liu of the Electrical Engineering Department of National Ilan University.

Prof. Kim giving a seminar at NIU
Question and answer session after seminar at NIU
Group picture of seminar attendees

IEEE Conference: IS3C 2018

Hyeun-Tae Cho, Yu-Chen Liu and Katherine A. Kim, “Short-Primary Linear Induction Motor Modeling with End Effects for Electric Transportation Systems,” in Proc. IEEE
International Symposium on Computer Consumer and Control, Dec. 2018, pp. 1-4. (IEEE Xplore Link)