PEARS Lab Attends IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia

Prof. Katherine Kim, Bo-Shiang Lee, and Shih-Fan Liu attended the International Power Electronics Motion Control Conference (IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia) in Chengdu, China, held on May 17-20, 2024. Master’s student Shih-Fan Liu presented his poster on “Wiring Harness Cable Input Impedance Verification For Electromagnetic Compatibility Pre-Compliance Testing” and Master’s student Bo-Shiang Lee presented his poster on “Modeling and EMC Analysis of Capacitive Coupling to Low-Voltage Cables in an Electric Vehicle” during Poster Presentation A on May 18, 2024.

PEARS Lab student present their posters at IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia

Prof. Kim attended the IEEE PELS Women in Engineering Roundtable Mentorship Event on May 19, 2024 (pictured below), and also served as a mentor. The event facilitated discussions on a variety of trending topics, including career development, the future of power electronics, and promoting diversity and inclusion within the field. It was organized and hosted by Hong Li (Beijing Jiaotong University), Han Cui (Tianjin University), and Ping Yang (Southwest Jiaotong University).

IEEE PELS Women in Engineering Roundtable Mentorship Event at IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia